13 March 2011

What If There Was No Time

Time is what keeps the world moving. If there was no Time, there would be no concept of today, yesterday or tomorrow. If Time wasn't to exist, there would be no clocks, diaries, calendars, alarms, dates... No need to wake up, be here, be there, doing this, or doing that. This would result in no planning, order or organisation. Everything would be living by chance. No set way to identify when to meet people, no knowing when or if to go to school, work, or if the shops will be open.
You would really have to live for the moment
There would be no history or future. Nor would there be any dependence. Everyone would be a single human being, no connections with anyone or anything other than being on the same planet. There would be no control, no urgency, rushing or being late.
Life would stand still.