Life With Trees
Trees are great. They have leaves in summer, falling leaves in autumn, bare branches in winter, and blossom in spring.
They are a part of our history and take years to grow. The layers in the trunk indicate how many years old it is. They contribute to our quintessential British countryside. But they are everywhere. A natural skyscraper. All different, hundreds of varieties and multiple colours.
They beautify the grey cities and provide shade during hot summer days. They provide structure for tree houses for children to play in. They provide structure for nests, for birds to live in. They provide fruits such as apples and pears and plums. And berries and olives and bananas. Natural food, full of nutrition. Providing us with vitamins - if the birds and the bees don't get there first. They also provide nuts, for protein [and conquers for playing with]. The blossom in the spring turns into leaves and flowers which in turn have pollen to feed the bees to give us sweet honey.
Trees breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen, making the environment a greener place. However they can also create warmth through burning and they are the foundations of paper for writing. Is there anything they aren't good for?
Life With Trees