if people were more caring, then the world would be much cleaner. No litter on the floor, no cutting down of trees, no pollutants.
People would be more aware. They would help, not ignore, they would act and not watch. There would be no ignorance. Just good manners.
There would be no derelict houses or buildings, all structures would belong to someone, and would be put to constructive use. There would be no such thing as people sleeping rough. Neither would there be such thing as fights, crime, murders, or hurt feelings, or bullying.
If people cared, there would be no suffering, hunger or torture. There would be no attacks, no wars, and no dispute between religion or political beliefs.
The world would be kind, understanding, and healthier. People would not just care for others, but for themselves. There would be no obesity, no illness relating to diet. And any illness obtained through purely being unfortunate would be dealt with in an efficient, nice way.
If people cared, there would be no human induced negativity to anyone or anything.