This is a way to have 100 totally unique outcomes, and narrows down the options for my subject choice.
I took this photo of the tea light candle, and I thought there was a lot of beauty in the blurriness and haziness in the shot. I really like the idea of using this candle for the representation of wishes.
I associate candles with wishes, because you make a wish and blow out the candles on a birthday cake, and they are also used for quite sacred meaningful purposes too, so I think the idea of candles and wishes goes hand in hand.
I want to experiment with this original photo so I can turn it into the image I chose to screen print from.

I made this by printing out the photo, sticking it onto a collaged background, photocopying it to flatten and create a high contrast, before re scanning into photoshop and adding the typography. The typography is very simply 'i wish;' with a dictionary definition of a wish layered underneath. The writing is meant to be small, fairly illegible, and certainly not the main focus for the final outcome.
My idea was to print 100 of these, and then ask 100 people for their wishes.
The wishes can be completely random, they can be serious or a small desire.
Having the individual hand written wish on each print will create a collection of 100 wishes, hopefully showing significance and insignificance, however to the person that statement is personal and has meaning of some type.