I have come to realise my obsession with writing down my ideas/words/stems of inspiration/possibilities/lists/reminders.
These pages from my sketchbook above, are my realisation to my obsession with getting the content out of my head onto a piece of paper, and over also over thinking about things.
I will think and think and go through all the possibilities I can physically possibly think of, and keep going until I am content I have the best solution. This is an intense feeling in my head as I have so much spinning round! This is why I need an output, which is always for me, a piece of paper.
If I have something I need a solution for, I will be permanently thinking about a solution, until I get one. Then the intensity vanishes, and I can get on.... until I need to think about a solution for the next thing. Then the whole cycle starts over again.
So my subject for the project about fanatics...
I can feel what it is, yet I still can't define it!
This is due to it not being objective, more personal.
Though of course, I could have picked a subject to become a fanatic on, and pretend?
Here I go again...constantly thinking and constantly writing till I get to the conclusion......