21 December 2010

Pure Inspiration.

Yoko Ono.


Part 2. Warning: May Contain Non-Graphic Design Content

Temporarily disregard the term „Graphic Designer‟ and simply regard yourself as a creative human being. Move away from your desk, your computer and your pencil case and use the world around you. In your world create one of the following and document it. We need to see evidence. Evidence should be a series of photos and can be backed up with letters, emails, text messages, movies, forensic evidence, data, sound recordings, diagrams, maps and documents.

Create one of the following:

Happiness / Fulfilment / Noise / Laughter / A smell / Applause / A breeze / Surprise / Chaos / Song / Warmth / Money / Cheese / Harmony / Inertia / Speed / Permanence / Justice / Goosebumps / Splashing / Change / Glory / Rain / A beam of light


Bring your evidence to the studio on the first morning back, Tuesday 4th January. This task will act as a primer for the first week‟s project.


Michael Beirut - Seventy-nine Short essays on Design: 1 Warning: May Contain Non-Design Content

Fluxus Yoko Ono Georgina Starr – Whistle

18 December 2010

£££ Fanatic Sale £££

High Quality Colour Posters £1
(Various Designs - Choose Your Favourite!)

Full Colour Printed Books 50p

If you buy my products I hope you enjoy reading the words, and create your own scenario for the story. I would love to know any interpretations you dream up.

Post Sale
Was really successful sold vast majority of both products.
Hopefully with the added blog address on the inside cover it will all count for some sort of self promotion.

Final Book And Poster For My Fanatic Product

Poster Design

I placed the writing onto 4 various grounds and printed them off on A3.
This is a nice alternative to a book, as you have the poem, which some people may like purely on it's own. You also get more of the background image which adds to the narrative, than you get in the book.

Photocopied Version.

Typed Removal II

Typed Removal

I typed out the words after they had been removed, and this I think makes the piece a lot more effective. I am going to apply this into a book.


To go along with my obsession with rambling, which also has stems going into over thinking/over analysing/ over writing etc.... I decided to do a take on this by moving away from the analysis of my poem, and using simply the poem itself, by crossing out words to create a new piece of writing from the existing one. I then photocopy the new piece and continue removing words each time.

This adds a totally new perspective on my rambling theory.

I then experimented by placing the new pieces on grounds. I purposefully placed the writing on grounds which were either atmospheric, organic, beautiful or enticing. This was to help the reader place an image in their head of what the poem could possibly be about. It provides a little subliminal imagery for the reader to add their own perspective on whats been written.

13 December 2010

Taped x3

Yet another experiment involving tape, photocopying and analysis's.
I typed up my hand written analyis which I then layered over the first piece of pure writing.
I then printed this and then re taped and scanned, before typing up my personal interpretation and placing it on top, before then printing again and adding tape.

Another Little Experiment 4 & Developments

Taken from my process from my 20 drawings, I decided to repeat it and write over my poem, my analysis, then photocopy it and re write over the piece again for the interpretation.
I think they look interesting, i love the illegibility as it makes the meaning much more private.

The series of the three pieces of writing, ranging from the pure poem to the personal interpretation i think look good together and would be good as a collective in some way.

Transformation into a new book.
I added a new collage of a woman and a man to illustrate the meaning of the poem.


I really liked the idea of adding sellotape over the top of the poem, for both the quality it makes when it's been scanned and then photocopied, but also for the representation of the clear layer which is then turned slightly grainy through the photocopying, which makes the poem slightly illegible and more intriguing.

Little Experiment 3

Here is the book printed and scanned.
I then added a layer of sellotape over where the words should have been to add another texture and highlight that there is something missing.