1 April 2011

Additional Exhibition Pieces III

Here is my idea from before, however printed A3 and with the additional spaces for the public to fill in their own thoughts.

I am extremely unsure about this. I don't think this will work visually at all.

It is a too vaster contrast between the tiny book and then this accumulation of posters which make up a space of just over A1 in total...

I like the idea of having an interactive element, because this book was made to intrigue and provoke thoughts to everyone, so me finding out what other people relate to this subject would be fascinating for myself. And it will help to reinforce the need for people to take this concept in a personal way.

Maybe I shall make a comments book instead???
Where people apply their thoughts inside a book, instead of writing on posters on the wall. This will then leave me with something special at the end, providing people aren't shy to write inside.